Establishing The Sexual Marketplace.

In a number of previous posts, the traditional feminist model has been described. In truth, tradcon feminism, the feminine imperative, or traditional gynocentrism (whatever it gets called) is the model we have for what we know as modern feminism today. The mechanism of the subjugation of men that was chosen about 500 years ago is marriage. It should not be a surprise that Marriage 2.0 was developed as a result, and several deceptions were developed in the society to encourage the model that they have set out.

(2013-10-23) feminist-model

One of those is the establishment of the sexual marketplace. In pondering such a thing and how it expresses itself in culture, one shocking Red Pill comes out:

There is no spoon marriage marketplace.

To set the frame, it was described before, men have been turned into a mere commodity. The sum total of his worth is wrapped up in his resources, both what he has and the potential he has to gather more. When it comes time for him to seek out a replacement deity for his mother, all he can do is offer himself up on her altar with the commodity that he has been made into. But deception is necessary for both sides to buy into such things and create the cognitive dissonance necessary for such an arrangement to continue. It becomes a market place. In other words:

Traditional Marriage is nothing different than a simple commodity exchange.

Now what are the commodities at hand? Men, who are put into the place of begging and supplication for a deity to accept him as her domestic slave (his commodity), will measure women based on how she fits his perception of deity. But she will have to offer something different to perpetuate, as she is otherwise indistinguishable from him: her sexuality and her uterus. Men are primed to seek out the Golden Vagina and Golden Uterus where he can lay himself up to be sacrificed. It should be no surprise then that in men looking for their Madonna that they consider virginity a valuable factor – anything less projects a lack of perfection and therefore a lack of worthiness as a deity.

Remember in what I’m now about to write, gracious reader, that before you accuse me of being unchristian for the idea of advocating something against Scripture, to remember that the motives behind something are more important than the thing itself. You can do the right things but for the wrong reasons, as Scripture illustrates.

As the video illustrates, the war relating to feminism is not between feminism and anti-feminism but between Marxist feminism and traditionalist feminism. Note the defense of men going out and working while the woman does nothing but raise the kids. The issues brought up are that and the libertine attitude towards sex, the previous one relevant here, the latter of which is instructive for this post.

All for sex, all for sex...
All for sex, all for sex…

The thesis for the video is that women want relationships, men want casual sex. The idea of the sexual marketplace cropped up in the Sexual Revolution, where men could get the Golden Vagina at a lower cost. The clip from “The Economics of Sex” (starting at 2:07) and the ensuing discussion proves the point: it speaks in terms of what it costs men for sex. As Naomi Schaffer Riley said, “what has happened is that the price of sex has been driven down.” Of course, as she goes on to immediately say, “that’s not the point, commitment is the point.” Hmmmm…. So if prostitution is “the act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money”, and the conditions of marriage involve that . . .

So marriage is in effect a long-term live-in prostitution and surrogacy arrangement.

The deception and cognitive dissonance is very strong in this issue for most everyone. Notice that Mizz Riley exhibits this as she deflects the issue to one of “commitment”, which is well-defined in traditionalism as the perpetual, unconditional, and complete provision of resources from the man to the woman. What’s hers is hers, and what’s his is hers! John Stossel brings it back to the issue of cost at 4:00 where he points out that Mizz Riley claims that “women should have an OPEC of sex.” Sounds like the p**** cartel, hmmmm… “Look, women can get together and decide we should raise our prices.”

Realizing that marriage has turned into an arrangement of provision for sex for lifetime resources, prohibitions against prostitution, pornography, and fornication become an attempt to control costs in the market place and have nothing to do with preserving the testimony that God has given us through marriage. It becomes an issue of limiting the market place as it has been established, assuring that men line up and hand their lives and very being over to a woman in exchange for conditional access to her vagina and uterus. Cheaper options become threats to the control women have over men. As does taking the red-pill. Women hate these things not for any good God-given reason, but because it threatens their control and their high position given to them by the ways of traditionalism.

And therein, this is the deception – co-opting the good things of God for evil reasons.

Frankly My Dear, I Don’t Give A Damn.

Conversation in the previous post has turned to the phenomena of the alpha widow. As mentioned there, the idea was full evident truth even not very long ago, but now is “red pill truth” due to the efforts of the feminists, indoctrinating women that they need men like fish need bicycles. Previously, I quoted a portion of the Godfather book (1969) which illustrates this truth perfectly.

A delicate flower like that is not meant for work!
A delicate flower like that is not meant for work!

Most of us know this term in terms of sexuality, but it can apply to anything in the heart of a woman. It’s in that vein that the overly long-winded (honestly I don’t get why is so highly esteemed) Gone With The Wind (1939) was brought up. It has a number of glaring examples of traditional feminism, mainly the idea that women just aren’t fit to work.

This aside, a whole thread in the plot of this movie makes it great for a Red Pill Movie Review. To get up to speed on the final scene’s payoff, Scarlett O’Hara meets a man by the name of Ashley Wilkes about a third of the way through, and gets taken with him. He won’t have her, but she gets stuck on him in her heart to the point that she won’t let him go through multiple marriages (including to Rhett). Mr. Wilkes eventually marries a woman named Melanie Hamilton (referred to as Mellie), who dies in the previous scene. Let’s pick upon the final scene:

RHETT Come in.

RHETT Melanie, she’s…well. God rest her. She was the only completely kind person I ever knew. Great lady. A very great lady. Though she’s dead. That makes it nice for you, doesn’t it?
SCARLETT Oh, how can you say such things. You know how I loved her really.
RHETT No, I don’t know that I do. But at least it’s to your credit that you could appreciate her at the end.
SCARLETT Of course I appreciated her. She thought of everybody except herself. Why her last words were about you.
RHETT What did she say?
SCARLETT She said, be kind to Captain Butler, he loves you so.
RHETT Did she say anything else?
SCARLETT She said, she asked me to look after Ashley too.

RHETT It’s convenient to have the first wife’s permission, isn’t it?
SCARLETT What do you mean? What are you doing?
RHETT I’m leaving you, my dear. All you need now is a divorce and your dreams of Ashley can come true.
SCARLETT No! No, you’re wrong! Terribly wrong! I don’t want a divorce. Oh Rhett, when I knew tonight, when I knew I loved you, I ran home to tell you, oh darling, darling!
RHETT Please don’t go on with this. Leave us some dignity to remember out of our marriage. Spare us this last.
SCARLETT This last? Oh Rhett, do listen to me. I must have loved you for years only I was such a stupid fool I didn’t know it. Please believe me. You must care! Mellie said you did!
RHETT I believe you. But what about Ashley Wilkes?
SCARLETT I……I never really loved Ashley.

RHETT You certainly gave a good imitation of it up to this morning. Oh, Scarlett, I tried everything. If you’d only met me halfway, even when I came back from London…
SCARLETT I was so glad to see you, I was Rhett, but, but you were so nasty!
RHETT And then when you were sick. And it was all my fault. I hoped and against hope that you’d call for me. But you didn’t.
SCARLETT I wanted you. I wanted you desperately, but I didn’t think you wanted me!

RHETT It seems we’ve been at crossed purposed, doesn’t it. But it’s no use now. As long as there was Bonnie there was a chance we might be happy. I like to think that Bonnie was you. A little girl again. Before the war and poverty had done things to you. She was so like you. And I could pet her and spoil her as I wanted to spoil you. But when she went, she took everything.
SCARLETT Oh, Rhett, Rhett, please don’t say that. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for everything.
RHETT My darling, you’re such a child. You think that by saying I’m sorry, all the past can be corrected. Here, take my handkerchief. Never in any crisis of your life have I known you to have a handkerchief.

SCARLETT Rhett, Rhett where are you going?
RHETT I’m going to Charleston. Back where I belong.
SCARLETT Please, please take me with you.
RHETT No. I’m through with everything here. I want peace. I want to see if somewhere if there is something left in life with charm and grace. Do you know what I’m talking about?
SCARLETT No. I only know that I love you.
RHETT That’s your misfortune.

SCARLETT Rhett! If you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?
RHETT Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
SCARLETT I can’t let him go. I can’t. There must be some way to bring him back. Oh, I can’t think about that now. I’ll go crazy if I do, I…I’ll think about it tomorrow. I must think about it. I must think about it. What is there to do? What is there that matters?

See the red pill truth in this? Men hit a wall, too. When a man keeps encountering women who rather have career on their hearts, riding the carousel, other men, serving in ministry, or even Jesus, everything in their hearts but taking up wholeheartedly with a man and calling him her husband with her words, thoughts, and deeds, he’ll get frustrated and just move on. This is what Men Going Their Own Way represents. These women, who thought that they didn’t need men in their lives, finally realize that they do. And what will they find is the answer when they finally say “I only know that I love you” to these men?

Dealing With The Red Pill Truth

(I originally had this in mind for a comment, but had enough other ideas to turn it into a full post.)

In reading this and reflecting on things regarding this blog and my life being a red pill Christian, there are things that come to mind. They can be especially reflective for one such as myself who for almost the last year has been directly seeking out red pill boosters in some form for the purposes of doing blog posts. I’ve noticed there’s usually no shortage of topics simply because some kind of red pill reinforcement comes across my screen or life each and every day.

Now I use the term “red pill” in both the manosphere marriage sense and the traditional Christian sense, since the process for me has been one and the same. The fact that marriage today isn’t the same as the one our great to the nth power parents knew or the one in Scripture is essentially the manosphere “red pill”, but is also a Christian red pill since the churches and “traditional Christians” (i.e. Churchians) are upholding the new definition of marriage. Much of the reason why the Church has lost her way, along with God-given marriage being corrupted has to do with feminism (or female-supremacist hate), so there are a great many posts here regarding how marriage has been corrupted both within the Church and in the world. In fact, I’ve been working on a Marriage 2.0 master page, but it’s been difficult in being sure to cover all the nuances. But all these “red pills” always have to do with men taking their own initiative and thinking they know better than God, especially with the things of God.

There’s always some truth that has eluded you until the Holy Spirit illuminates you. Ones like me or Dalrock or others can not give you this truth. We can only show you the doors. When you walk through that door, you find through that truth that the worldview you had was completely different than the one you assumed was correct. As a rule, it seems we as humans readily accept what we are presented with without questioning it. Of course the degree we are able to assimilate new truths and unlearn the old ones is a direct reflection of where you place your base values. If you value the church organization or men, or the things of the world, your actions will follow you there, and your legacy will be written in that way before both men and God. This is an iron clad principle.

In accepting a red pill truth of any kind, the priorities of your heart are bound to come out. In other words, your main priority will guide you. If you are devoted in your time with the Lord, he will choose to reveal a number of things to you through His Spirit, His Scripture and the interaction with others over long periods. These things often involve sins or transgressions and even those in the world will have a sense of justice regarding these things. Justice involves the balancing of a wrong done against them, and the red pills are definitely things to be angry and grieve over. These are things that are either easier or harder depending on how deep people were in around you, how deep in you were, and how much damage it’s done to you or those around you. When it comes to realizing a red pill truth, you ultimately have one decision to make. Either accept (take the red pill) or deny it (take the blue pill). When it comes to spiritual matters, the only choice a true follower of Christ is given is to take the red pill by repenting. To take the blue pill by denying what is being presented to you or rationalizing it away as men are wont to do with his own tradition is to grieve the Spirit, which leads you to no place good in the end.

Now accepting the truth by coming into the light brings the question of how you act in your life with the new truth incorporated. Of course, the obvious first answer is to turn permanently from those actions and do not accept them in your life. The problem with that is dealing with the anger that comes from it. You might have to give up friends, or other things in order to be right with the Lord. They may be in so deep that you can’t help but to be angered and grieved. Personally, I still have a hard time being around certain things from the winter solstice to the spring equinox simply because of a particular red pill truth. Anger is normal at the sight of injustice. The Lord is slow to anger, but He will get angry. It is okay for us to be angry if we do not sin in it, but the problem comes in giving it a place in your life. As it is written:

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:31-32)

This is a continual temptation and challenge when you do assimilate a red pill truth, simply because there are so many occasions out there to be grieved and angry over what you see and take it out on people in a way that doesn’t honor God. The temptation also comes from forgetting the red pill truth, as it is easy to do when you hang around people with bad habits, and start taking up their ways again. There are numerous examples out there of such people succumbing to this particular temptation of wanting to be plugged back into the Matrix. There are people who will be actively seeking to have others forget the Red Pill Truth, and go back to accepting certain behaviors and practices that you didn’t before you started down the other path.

This brings me back to Dalrock’s post. One of these tools is confusing the difference between righteous anger and unrighteous bitterness. Perhaps the biggest issue that I had with it is that it veers suspiciously close to Code Red feminist shaming language in parts, though Dalrock did clarify in part in his post. Obviously, the feminists (and for that matter those of the world) use this tactic, which is well illustrated in the comments of that post because it works. It pushes people away from the thought of their sin and onto the person themselves. It causes the sin to be ignored and not be dealt with. It pushes people away from righteousness into unrighteousness, because it paints people as not being right to be disgusted by the sins of this world and within Churchianity. If one who claims to follow Christ ever doesn’t become disgusted and even angry when sin is involved, that is a serious indicator to check your heart and even check your heart to see whether Christ is with you. Passive or active (empathy) acceptance of true evil in the sight of God is not a virtue! It’s sin! “No you’re a bitter hateful misogynist!” “You better stop your bitterness and hatred of women, that’s not attractive!”

The ultimate temptation in looking at these things involves when people prosper in them or others aid them in prospering. This is illustrated in the comments as well. It can be frustrating to see people help others in their sin. This generated a good discussion on that comment thread, as well as such an issue might.

In the end, the only answer is to let it go into the hands of the Lord each time it happens and trust in Him that He will deal with it accordingly, not grow to accept the sin. For after all, men are going to chase after their own ways instead of God’s and prosper. Men are going to worship other gods, even in the guise of “Christianity” and not find ill for it right away. Sluts are gonna slut around and land in a good marriage by their deceit. Manginas are going to self-flagellate and spit on God for making them men. White-knights are going to ride to the rescue and save women from the consequences of their own actions. Women are going to rebel against God and spit on Him and their husbands. Even the so-called good traditional Christian women like Sheila Gregoire are going to deny the Lord by denying His Scripture and foment rebellion in other women against the Lord by teaching them how to spindle and destroy men with Marriage 2.0 rather than glorify God in Biblical marriage.

The Lord was very clear that these things are going to happen, without any doubt. But there’s nothing that says I got to walk away from Him and accept and support these things in these people to get away from my “bitterness”.

May God’s name and His ways be praised always!