The Psychology of the Churchian Woman Worshiper

Occasionally, one just comes across some absolute gold when it comes to things. I’ve talked before about the typical state of men when it comes to the churches and marriage numerous times over the years. It’s rare to see an example of one so sold into the prospect of going against God’s plan for marriage.

As found on Reddit (screen-capped for obvious reasons), we have a perfect psychological study of Blue Pill Churchian female worship:

Unfortunately, this is more the rule than the exception.  While I’m tempted to leave much of this to the commenters here, the notables that haven’t been said are worth explaining.

This guy likely struggled for 18 years against this woman’s resistance, society, his church, and everything else, until finally he had that Fireproof moment where he finally gave into Satan’s tempting and followed into the sin of Adam by submitting to his wife. One could naturally say that things might get less hectic since he finally stopped fighting her resistance, realizing he had no control anyway in this modern age. Sadly to say, this poor tool bought himself a one way ticket off the narrow road due to his resulting abdication of his God-given role, not to mention the idolatry and goddess worship he exhibits in this post.

Regardless to say, this is a great illustration out of many of how Godly marriage (Marriage 1.0) has grown completely bankrupt. The wise will know that this inversion of marriage from one that glorifies God to one that glorifies Woman has unfortunately become the norm due to deliberate action of both the churches and society:

Marriage 2.0 is unfortunately the default these days. Sadly, it seems this man has not only taken the Blue Pill, but has started evangelizing it against the way and plans of the one true God, even reading Scripture into his worship of his wife. Can this man be saved? Likely at this point, he will end up getting the typical frivolous divorce because the wife grew bored and unhaaaaaapy, scrapping the witness of the Lord and His Church. It’d be nice if I could say this is the exception, but unfortunately it’s the rule for marriage these days.

With marriage like this, is it any wonder that men with any decent sense avoid marriage, when they see exactly what it means to man-up?

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. (Proverbs 22:3)

9 thoughts on “The Psychology of the Churchian Woman Worshiper”

  1. I see the post got disappeared in short order by moderation with a large number of comments indicating its weirdness in the time it took me to screen cap that and post it, so that’s a plus on that community. That said, even if it was just a well-executed troll, I still run into a lot of instances where men will say this kind of stuff regarding their wives. So it still fits into the reason why I posted this – this is very much “Christian marriage” illustrated.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I see very little about God and the Bible and a lot about how his “feelings” are going great. Unfortunately, feelings aren’t truth.

    I would not be surprised if this was a troll post though.


  3. Reblogged this on Free Matt Podcasts and commented:
    ***Reblog: lazy weekend. I mention that Churchianity is attractive to the snowflakes in our mist. It infects us and weakens our church. I may not agree 100% with Ballista’s post but I think it is insightful and a fair warning from decades ago***


  4. I understand your triangle graph was ripped from elsewhere, but it is worth pointing out the obvious failure of both triangles.

    Nowhere is woman equal to man in marriage. Eve is brought to Adam and Adam names her (act synonymous with establishing dominion over). She is to submit to him, in the same manner that she does to Christ. He is told he will rule over her. There is hierarchy in marriage, not a triangle. She is his servant, not his partner. She is his helper, not co-leader. He has been given mission by God to dominate Creation, she has been given sub-mission to her husband. He was not created for her, rather she was created for him.

    It is precisely this erasing of firm understanding of hierarchy that has given rise to the false song of equality, egalitarianism in the Church. From here, just a stone’s throw from an inversion of the hierarchy that is God-glorifying. Jesus remarks about the value in a firm understanding of hierarchy in Ma 8:9. The words of Jesus, the Son of Elohim, the Servant of His Father’s will, who himself affirmed hierarchy within the God-head.

    ‘Co-heir’ in Christ does not mean equal in purpose nor function. It means that she has a share in the rewards of a life well lived, glorifying Christ awaiting her in Heaven where she has stored them up. That glorifying life looks like being under male headship, and when not being under headship, God finds her disgraceful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. @ikr
    Definitely agreed! Like you said, the triangle diagram was ripped from what is typically taught in the Church when it comes to marriage, and is far from the Biblical truth. Even the transform is wrong, as the woman’s will and desire is actually is placed before God’s. But it’s useful to begin a lot of times with what people are used to seeing to illustrate the ills of what is going on.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That reddit post cannot be for real. It has to be a troll, or an intentional exaggeration of what men actually do.

    Because a lot of men do some of the things in that post, to a lesser extent. They let their wives talk them into things, and when they resist, they just sit and listen while their wives continue talking and browbeating them.

    They let their wives run everything. They let their wives just make decisions about everything without consultation. They let their wives just say “this is how it’s going to be” without question.

    They give up more and more of themselves for less and less. They compromise themselves so far and so much that there’s almost nothing left of what makes them, them.

    Liked by 1 person

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