Frankly My Dear, I Don’t Give A Damn.

Conversation in the previous post has turned to the phenomena of the alpha widow. As mentioned there, the idea was full evident truth even not very long ago, but now is “red pill truth” due to the efforts of the feminists, indoctrinating women that they need men like fish need bicycles. Previously, I quoted a portion of the Godfather book (1969) which illustrates this truth perfectly.

A delicate flower like that is not meant for work!
A delicate flower like that is not meant for work!

Most of us know this term in terms of sexuality, but it can apply to anything in the heart of a woman. It’s in that vein that the overly long-winded (honestly I don’t get why is so highly esteemed) Gone With The Wind (1939) was brought up. It has a number of glaring examples of traditional feminism, mainly the idea that women just aren’t fit to work.

This aside, a whole thread in the plot of this movie makes it great for a Red Pill Movie Review. To get up to speed on the final scene’s payoff, Scarlett O’Hara meets a man by the name of Ashley Wilkes about a third of the way through, and gets taken with him. He won’t have her, but she gets stuck on him in her heart to the point that she won’t let him go through multiple marriages (including to Rhett). Mr. Wilkes eventually marries a woman named Melanie Hamilton (referred to as Mellie), who dies in the previous scene. Let’s pick upon the final scene:

RHETT Come in.

RHETT Melanie, she’s…well. God rest her. She was the only completely kind person I ever knew. Great lady. A very great lady. Though she’s dead. That makes it nice for you, doesn’t it?
SCARLETT Oh, how can you say such things. You know how I loved her really.
RHETT No, I don’t know that I do. But at least it’s to your credit that you could appreciate her at the end.
SCARLETT Of course I appreciated her. She thought of everybody except herself. Why her last words were about you.
RHETT What did she say?
SCARLETT She said, be kind to Captain Butler, he loves you so.
RHETT Did she say anything else?
SCARLETT She said, she asked me to look after Ashley too.

RHETT It’s convenient to have the first wife’s permission, isn’t it?
SCARLETT What do you mean? What are you doing?
RHETT I’m leaving you, my dear. All you need now is a divorce and your dreams of Ashley can come true.
SCARLETT No! No, you’re wrong! Terribly wrong! I don’t want a divorce. Oh Rhett, when I knew tonight, when I knew I loved you, I ran home to tell you, oh darling, darling!
RHETT Please don’t go on with this. Leave us some dignity to remember out of our marriage. Spare us this last.
SCARLETT This last? Oh Rhett, do listen to me. I must have loved you for years only I was such a stupid fool I didn’t know it. Please believe me. You must care! Mellie said you did!
RHETT I believe you. But what about Ashley Wilkes?
SCARLETT I……I never really loved Ashley.

RHETT You certainly gave a good imitation of it up to this morning. Oh, Scarlett, I tried everything. If you’d only met me halfway, even when I came back from London…
SCARLETT I was so glad to see you, I was Rhett, but, but you were so nasty!
RHETT And then when you were sick. And it was all my fault. I hoped and against hope that you’d call for me. But you didn’t.
SCARLETT I wanted you. I wanted you desperately, but I didn’t think you wanted me!

RHETT It seems we’ve been at crossed purposed, doesn’t it. But it’s no use now. As long as there was Bonnie there was a chance we might be happy. I like to think that Bonnie was you. A little girl again. Before the war and poverty had done things to you. She was so like you. And I could pet her and spoil her as I wanted to spoil you. But when she went, she took everything.
SCARLETT Oh, Rhett, Rhett, please don’t say that. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for everything.
RHETT My darling, you’re such a child. You think that by saying I’m sorry, all the past can be corrected. Here, take my handkerchief. Never in any crisis of your life have I known you to have a handkerchief.

SCARLETT Rhett, Rhett where are you going?
RHETT I’m going to Charleston. Back where I belong.
SCARLETT Please, please take me with you.
RHETT No. I’m through with everything here. I want peace. I want to see if somewhere if there is something left in life with charm and grace. Do you know what I’m talking about?
SCARLETT No. I only know that I love you.
RHETT That’s your misfortune.

SCARLETT Rhett! If you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?
RHETT Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
SCARLETT I can’t let him go. I can’t. There must be some way to bring him back. Oh, I can’t think about that now. I’ll go crazy if I do, I…I’ll think about it tomorrow. I must think about it. I must think about it. What is there to do? What is there that matters?

See the red pill truth in this? Men hit a wall, too. When a man keeps encountering women who rather have career on their hearts, riding the carousel, other men, serving in ministry, or even Jesus, everything in their hearts but taking up wholeheartedly with a man and calling him her husband with her words, thoughts, and deeds, he’ll get frustrated and just move on. This is what Men Going Their Own Way represents. These women, who thought that they didn’t need men in their lives, finally realize that they do. And what will they find is the answer when they finally say “I only know that I love you” to these men?