Single Christian Men Don’t Marry (#1)

The search terms that come up the most in the blog statistics are some variation of the phrase on the title. There are a couple of posts in the blog history on this topic, which I believe hold up well in that regard. But it’s interesting to see what people are talking about. We’ll take the good along with the bad.

The first article in the search is one entitled Do Christian Men WANT to Get Married?, which talks of the respective desires of men and women to get married. The “Why aren’t men marrying up the sluts?” theme is there, if not subtly. Deborah Watkins says:

Yes. Women are more eager to connect with their future spouses. Marriage is the next big step that our women look forward to! They have successful and rewarding careers, higher education and marriage is the next logical evolution.

We see the typical feminist plans in place. Education, career, and then marriage. Let’s guess the age they’re finally investing themselves into marriage…oh about 30? That would be archaic in this day and age to expect them to be looking when they have nothing more to offer than what a man already has but anger and bitterness now wouldn’t it? To continue on what Ms. Watkins had to say:

Women are into the wedding, dress and concepts associated with marriage and sometimes downplay the real deal (character and incompatibility issues) associated with relationships.

Men are much more cautious of marriage because of the high divorce rate. Men scrutinize every aspect of marriage because they want it to last forever and they believe that most people marry too quickly. One person said “that they would rather remain happy and single than be married and miserable.

I find this quote very interesting. It’s nothing different from most of us already know, but it’s truth. Women are into the wedding, and the marriage day itself, while men are looking past that. It seems odd as well (yet consistent) that I recently found a comments section with a number of women complaining about how men won’t go ahead and commit to marriage. Given my values, I agree with the specific premise of it (the choice of cohabitation). Of course, the vapid feminism permeates the post so it’s never pointed out by the author that it takes two to tango with the living together thing, as well as when the issue of premarital sex comes up. The big bad evil menz always push the poor innocent woman into sinning and she’s never brought to account.

It seems that women are committed to the marriage day, while men are committed to the marriage.

Women want the big day, but they don’t want the commitment that marriage entails and will leave the moment they become unhaaaaapy. Yet it’s the men who are railed on because they won’t commit at the drop of the hat to the woman’s wishes for the big day, yet it’s the women who demonstrate a marked incapability of committing to marriage once they’re in them. Of course, you’ll never see anyone in Churchianity (or the likes of Gregoire) address this one. Of course, they have a mighty painful plank pulling job to perform themselves in this issue.

Kelly Mikel Williams gives her lament on men not marrying up the sluts or whatever:

Most men seem to be content in their singleness, whereas most women seem to have no contentment whatsoever . . . One young lady in particular mentioned to me that she has suggested to a young man that since neither of them was getting any younger, that they should date so that they could eventually marry and have kids.

Another saved, sanctified, and Holy Ghost filled young lady said that she is considering moving to another state because she can’t find a man where she lives. The men, on the other hand aren’t watching the clock, nor are they considering moving to find a mate. In fact, I don’t know if they are even looking at the women.

It’s typical to blame the men always, and they never look at the women. If women are that dissatisfied with their lives, it will come through. But they never look at the quality of the women, do they? Paul had something to say about contentment as well. But then again, women seem to not be content, whether they’re married or single. A man sees this, and will recognize that she will be looking to him to blame for her lack of contentment. But, you’re just going to have to learn to be content with your cats as a spinster now, won’t you?

Shanick Moore seems to present a little more realistic picture as it relates to relative commitment:

The majority of the men I talk with want to be married and want to have children, but they go through a different process and preparation to getting to the point of marriage. They have to know without a doubt that the woman is the “one,” and they have no problem with taking their time before making that decision. Most men also want to be financially secure or have completed a certain level of success prior to getting married
. . .
Many women arrive at the “I’m ready” phase without really understanding all that is needed to build the type of foundation necessary to make a marriage successful.

Men do wait, see the picture, and see if it’s right for them. That includes the quality of the woman. Women, however just are jumping in. It seems that they really don’t care about being committed to making the marriage successful, do they? Or even making themselves a good and desirable wife so a wise and discerning man will want to marry her?

With the poor choices available all over of women who aren’t fit for marriage, and others who can’t commit to marriage once they’re in them, isn’t it natural why men don’t want to marry?

32 thoughts on “Single Christian Men Don’t Marry (#1)”

  1. We see the typical feminist plans in place. Education, career, and then marriage. Let’s guess the age they’re finally investing themselves into marriage…oh about 30? That would be archaic in this day and age to expect them to be looking when they have nothing more to offer than what a man already has but anger and bitterness now wouldn’t it?

    No matter how devout a Christian someone is, if you suggest to them that you plan for your daughter not to follow the college–>career–>lots-of-dating-around–>marriage-at-30 model, they will look at you askance. People are shocked when I say that I am praying for my daughters’ future husbands already, and that once they turn 18, we will be open to God’s leading them into marriage if it is His will for them. I care less and less about what shocks other people and more and more about obeying God.

    I hope more Christians will repent of raising their daughters to follow that worldly model. It is not preparing our daughters to be good Christians, wives, or mothers.


  2. I remember sitting in a church that we were thinking of joining one Sunday morning. They were doing the usual baby dedication thing and this one father said that he hoped that his baby daughter would grow up to be a Naval Aviator. Everyone in the congregation except for me were applauding his statement with several “you go grrrl” type shout outs from (mostly) guys in the pews. I’m sitting there wondering what strange world have I entered into where a supposedly conservative (it was a baptist church) church would be encouraging making women into something totally the opposite of the mothering/nurturing/family oriented ideal presented in the bible. This was before I took the red pill but it made it easy to check off that church as a possible home for worship and I moved along to the next one.

    I gave up going to church a long time ago and this was but one of many reasons for that, most churches are run by and for women and I have yet to encounter one that does not encourage bad behavior by women in all sorts of ways. Mostly aided by white knights eager for that pat on the head approval from the women that populate these places.


  3. Thank you for that example, gunner451. The majority of Christians are feminists whether they call themselves so or not. This is clearly a good strategy for the enemy to use, to infiltrate the church from within, and lead people astray from God’s design for women to be primarily family-oriented. Of course, a woman can work and be family-oriented at the same time, but a naval aviator? That’s absurd; I assume that is an intense and dangerous career. A God-fearing man would not seek to place his daughter into such a situation.


  4. No matter how devout a Christian someone is, if you suggest to them that you plan for your daughter not to follow the college–>career–>lots-of-dating-around–>marriage-at-30 model, they will look at you askance. People are shocked when I say that I am praying for my daughters’ future husbands already, and that once they turn 18, we will be open to God’s leading them into marriage if it is His will for them. I care less and less about what shocks other people and more and more about obeying God.

    Good for your! That is the proper attitude to take. I really don’t care what people think so I enjoy pulling the following at my church. When a father or mother starts in about how their 18 year old daughter is going to college, etc., I feign a look of surprise and say “What? In a couple of years she should be married and making babies!” That stops ’em cold.


  5. No matter how devout a Christian someone is, if you suggest to them that you plan for your daughter not to follow the college–>career–>lots-of-dating-around–>marriage-at-30 model, they will look at you askance. People are shocked when I say that I am praying for my daughters’ future husbands already,

    True. When I mention that I want my 3 boys to be married before 20, they are aghast! They reply that the boys need to mature, explore, and all that crap…

    I shoot back with, “You cannot simultaneously tell kids, no sex til marriage — and — don’t get married til you’re over 30! Most won’t even try to hold out, many who try will fail, and those who do hold out, will be severely psychologically damaged by it (<– pointing to myself during the last phrase, he he.. they mostly know my story…)

    I then point out, "I don't want my boys to spend their 20s sinning like the world OR suffering as I did. I want them married young, so they can enjoy their 20s biblically!"

    Seldom do I get dispute at this point. But what disturbs me is that apparently VERY, VERY FEW OF THEM have ever thought it through before. I suspect that most of them have no idea what it's like to be a suffering sexless 20-something Christian. Now, some of these people may be adult converts who couldn't be expected to know this. Or perhaps some married young themselves (although that's doubtful given their disdain for it). But I sadly suspect that most of them WALKED AWAY FROM THE LORD in their late teens, fornicated their way through college, gradschool, and early career development… and returned to church ~30 to marry, or when they had kids. Hence they have no clue what it’s like to actually be a horny 20something waiting for marriage… OR… worse… they assume the kids will follow their own sin path and are okay with that?


  6. they assume the kids will follow their own sin path and are okay with that?

    I think this is it. Plus, they don’t want to be thought of as “weird”. We live in a feminist culture, so that’s what Christians are trying to fit in with. I don’t want my daughters to think sexual sin is okay. I don’t want them to suffer from sexual frustration, either, so I hope they will be able to marry young. But if they don’t, they should plan to suffer. It might not be fun, but it won’t kill them, and the Lord will reward them with jewels in their heavenly crowns if they endure.


  7. Sunshine Mary, you are spot on. I was brought up by nominal Christians and gave up on church at 16 and it was only through the influence of a Christian I had met that I becam Christian at 26. In the space of those 10 years I had become sexually active and one of the more difficult aspects of my conversion was trying to explain to a (n even more) sexually active young woman that I believed that sex was slely for marriage. Thankfully we broke up, but my sexual activity before marriage has caused problems in my marriage. I believe that worst mistake I made was to allow my children to be indoctrnated with feminist thought in the public sector school system.

    Sometimes I have to say to my children (of 25 and 20) “It’s not ‘Don’t do as I do’, its ‘Don’t make the same mistakes I made'”. It is hard but Gabriella (my wife) and I have an uphill struggle now.


  8. Women, however just are jumping in. It seems that they really don’t care about being committed to making the marriage successful, do they?

    I took my vows seriously, my exwife, not so much. This seems to happen a lot. What is it with women and the lack of integrity?


  9. VR,

    I was on the receiving end of the man up speeches for many years. But honestly, even though i would have, most of those women were ruined by their five minutes of alpha. Most of them ended up divorced, because they were unhaaappy.

    But of course they were tricked into having sex before marriage. It was never their fault.

    That evil patriarchy, again.


  10. I’m curious if because a person has made mistakes in the past if they are ruined for life….never to find true redemption. If having sex before marriage, a devorce in your past, or quite frankly any other sin makes one forever “unfit” or on the slut list, I guess Mary magdeline had better get packing as well as the woman at the well, and the adultress woman whom Jesus “let off the hook” Jesus died for all sins and sinners. When someone surrenders their life to Christ he casts their sins as far as the east is from the west. He dosn’t remember the sin any more. All God sees when he sees the person is the righteousness of Christ…..even if that person happens to be a woman.


  11. Mary, be careful how you view “redemption.”
    * Redemption saves us from the wrath to come upon a sinful world. Very truly, God sees us in Christ, with our sins cancelled through His perfect work. We shall soon appear as beautiful trophies to His grace.
    * Redemption does not eliminate any/all consequences from sin. Definitely not. The temporal effects persist — and we must acknowledge our failures and accept that we don’t get to start over. Pay close attention to UK Fred’s comment above: He describes the lasting effects on his life, for us to consider. I could rehearse similar tales, but he has already covered it well. We are healed, but the scars don’t vanish.

    In answer to your particular question:
    “I’m curious if because a person has made mistakes in the past if they are ruined for life….”
    Ruined for life? No, not if one has accepted Christ’s work on the cross. Changed? Yes, absolutely, as we cannot go back and undo was has already happened. We carry the memory of sins and the lost opportunities to serve Him.

    Remember the Lord’s instructions, “Go and sin no more.” He did not say, “You have never sinned.” (John 5:14)


  12. @Mary

    I’m curious if because a person has made mistakes in the past if they are ruined for life….never to find true redemption.

    …Why is it always the case that men “sin”, whereas women “make mistakes”? I’m forever noticing that…

    If having sex before marriage, a devorce in your past, or quite frankly any other sin makes one forever “unfit” or on the slut list, I guess Mary magdeline had better get packing as well as the woman at the well, and the adultress woman whom Jesus “let off the hook”

    Committing “any other sin” doesn’t make you “forever on the slut list”. But sexual sin does have lifelong consequences: a woman who engages in sexual sin has limited options thereafter. For example, no man should ever marry a divorced woman: she may be saved and forgiven and a child of God. But she is toxic as far as sexual relationships are concerned: no Christian should marry her, as Jesus explained. And since marriage in God’s eyes is not about a piece of paper and a rock on one’s finger, this has deeper ramifications.

    Mary Magdalene is not recorded as having committed any serious sexual sin in Scripture — it’s a teaching of the false Church of Rome that she was the sinful woman at the end of Luke 7, and that she was a prostitute. Nowhere in Scripture is she described as a prostitute: The Bible merely says that she had seven demons cast out of her. (Even if she had been, Jesus wouldn’t have told her to “get packing”, if she’d truly repented and followed Him.)

    …And the adulterous woman in John 8 was not “let of the hook” by Jesus — He simply observed the Law which God had given, and in so doing, her life was spared (see my post here). And read His closing comment to her.

    Jesus died for all sins and sinners. When someone surrenders their life to Christ he casts their sins as far as the east is from the west. He dosn’t remember the sin any more. All God sees when he sees the person is the righteousness of Christ…..even if that person happens to be a woman.

    100% correct. But though they are justified, their sin continues to have consequences in this life. If a man molested his neighbour’s children, and then repented and came to faith, although he is forgiven by God, he will still face the consequences of his actions in this world. He would be unreasonable to expect his neighbour (even if the latter were a Christian, and had forgiven him) to allow him to babysit his kids again. A genuine Christian would have no such expectation.

    Unfortunately, there is an entitlement attitude prevalent in our society (particularly among women), and moreover it has infected the church. A woman who has not saved herself for marriage typically thinks herself deserving of a man who has saved himself, even though she has made no similar sacrifice for him. And if he declines on the grounds that she hasn’t, then she will typically try to shame or humiliate him. This is self-centred and ungodly.

    The Biblical picture is the opposite: God expects women to remain virgins until they marry (more so than He does men), and He takes this so seriously that in the Law He gave to His chosen people Israel, women who did not were liable to be put to death (men were not). …And women who cheated on their fiancé or husband would be put to death along with the men with whom they cheated. That Law was given by God. The same God whom Jesus called “Father”. The same God who is Jesus. …Yet it’s hated by women who call themselves “Christians”, because they place egalitarianism (or women’s interests) above God.

    And hence Christ’s teaching on divorce: God wants the marriage bed to be undefiled. Fornication, adultery, divorce and remarriage (which Jesus explains is adultery) are all defiling to the relationships God wishes us to have.

    I hope this helps clear things up.


  13. To be sure scars are left after sin. I am certainly not sugesting a “get out of jail free” mentallity, as if to say “hey let me just run wild and sin all I want then when I’m ready I’ll run to God and get a do over. kind of have my cake and eat it too.” First of all, if one has that attitude I doubt very seriously that they understand what it means to be a christian. Christ is not only your savior, he is your Lord. Perhaps I was unclear, I feel like there is a lot of bitterness tward the opposite sex on both sides of the scale. Women claim all men are dogs, bullies, liars, and only want them for sex and to be their effective maid/nanny. Men on the other hand say all women are sluts, selfish, unpleasable, and only want a man’s money and to have children. This makes me very sad. To be certain individuals of both genders have made their mistakes. In fact every person has, that’s why we need christ.I Neither gender is the “bad seed”
    I don’t think that there is a shortage of eligable men or women who are truely devoted to Christ. I see the biggest problem on both sides of the fence as a lack of love and understanding tward others. After all, if I am already bitter, angry, and holding grudges because of past exsperiences I have had with the opposite sex, It would be almost imposible for me to be successful in marriage. Any time someone thinks of what they need as the primary goal of a marraige it is doomed already. How can this relationship glorify God? Can I be a blessing and benifit to my spouse. What changes and preparations do I need to make in my life to be the kind of person that could be a Loving Godly marriage partner.


  14. I’m interested to know why my comment was pulled. I spent about fifteen minutes on that. Can’t the offending passage (whatever it was) be removed?

    [B: The spam filter does weird things sometimes. I approved it.]


  15. Mensch, I’m not sure why your comment was pulled, but your comment was not offensive. It was open and honest. I think that honesty and openness is very important in the body of Christ. Far too often if someone struggles or has uncomfortable thoughts we as believers say oh no lets not listen to that. But if we would listen and pray for each other then we would all see God work in miraculous ways. You see I pulled up these articles because I have been hurt deeply, repeatedly, and recently by men and wanted to try and understand things from a male point of view, not just a man hating feminist telling me all males are substandard human beings.I confess boldly that I do not understand men and the way they think..:) So I can’t go to a girl to learn that, gotta hear from you guys.This and other articles by men and women made me realize it isn’t a gender issue but a heart issue for us all. I need to grow in forgiveness. I think we all do. Who hasn’t been hurt in their life? I hope that I in no way offended you Mensch, it was never my intent.


  16. Bless you, Mary. You’re a sweet soul. It’s nice to receive a gracious response — often the women on the “manosphere” are more pugnacious than the men!

    I’m was very sorry to hear of your recent hurt. I positively detest feminism, but I’m not so blinded by my hatred as to deny that there are some incredibly cruel men out there. …Both sexes can behave like monsters. The problem comes when one group is given a “pass” by the culture. The idea behind the “manosphere” is that in the West today, women are that group. In other cultures (for example in majority Muslim countries), it is men who are given the pass.

    …And sinful human nature dictates that whenever one group’s actions are assumed to be moral and not subjected to scrutiny, then that group will exploit this. Some hold that women are morally inferior to men. I do not. I believe that the phenomena which are documented on sites like this arise from a cultural bias. Were the shoe on the other foot, then men would be exploiting women. Both sexes are equally evil at heart, and need Jesus just as much as the other.

    If you want to get a man’s viewpoint on these things, then I’m happy to answer any questions you might have. And if a blog is too public a place for what you wish to discuss, then just ask Ballista for my e-mail address: I’m happy to correspond with you about anything which is bothering you. I agree with you that brothers and sisters in Christ should help each other to overcome the great sex-divide.

    I’ve made a right old pig’s ear of this thread with my pleas to the moderator, haven’t I? Sorry, Ballista!


  17. @Mary: What your first comment seems to indicate is what the others have said, that you seem to want a woman to be accepted, sins and all, as if she has never sinned at all. In other words, the temporal consequences are forgotten as much as the eternal ones. This is unfortunately very
    common, especially in the church-wide attitudes towards men. As the Churchians themselves are fond of saying about virginity, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. There are many cases of women like this, for whatever reason, that are very prideful and arrogant of themselves. There is something to be said of grace, sure, but what I notice is that men are being pushed to accept in women what they shouldn’t accept, and women are expecting more than they deserve given what they have done. Remember, sins have consequences and in relationships men have to bear those in their women.

    As for your second and third comments, people do often speak out of experience and feel alienated. Much of this is what happens in men. Personally, I really don’t feel like I expect much out of women beyond what I notice in Scripture that I should expect of myself, yet women don’t even measure up to that. When most women aren’t getting past my first bullet point (for me, being a real Christian and not Churchian) something’s wrong. Much of what is happening on the women’s side is ungodly, and there really shouldn’t be an expectation that men should forget this sin or forbear it in women and let it go or whatever. The sin of women is being celebrated and men are being derided for not being something that is extra-Biblical. This is where many of the commentary posts come from here. We all have our failings before God, and we need to be addressing them in an accurate and correct way.

    If you have questions, by all means ask them, and if you need guidance on some good posts here for your stated concerns, by all means ask on that too.

    @Mensch: Good post (though if you regret some of it I can change it). Like I noted up above, the spam/moderation filter catches things it shouldn’t sometimes. Sometimes it’s a small price to pay though since you’d be surprised of the number of spammers that post here (usually 20-30 per day).


  18. @Ballista

    @Mensch: Good post (though if you regret some of it I can change it)

    Thanks! There are a couple of things, but they’re probably too minor to bother with. I appreciate your offer, though.

    …And I like the emphasis of your site. I’ve pretty much given up on the “Christian manosphere”, having concluded from several weeks of daily observation that there’s not much genuine interest in Scripture therein (and many who profess Christ on those blogs clearly don’t know Him at all). Just think: all those websites, and this is the first one I’ve seen where there’s a permanent link to the Gospel right at the top where it belongs. Good for you, anyway…

    I was indeed surprised at the number of spammers you mention.

    And I like the fact that it’s quiet here. I’d been posting at the blog I link to in my comment above, but the volume of comments meant that no-one really digested (much less thought about) anything I sat down and wrote, so I gave up. This suits me more. I’d far sooner one or two people read what I’d written properly than ten or twenty scan it superficially and move on.

    …Plus I guess there aren’t any likely to be too many PUAs posting here. 🙂


  19. @Ballista

    Personally, I really don’t feel like I expect much out of women beyond what I notice in Scripture that I should expect of myself, yet women don’t even measure up to that.

    I notice this so often — even with the women who blog in the “Christian manosphere”. They generally behave and react nothing like Christians, most of the time (and I’m fairly convinced that the majority of them are in fact not). It’s such a dispiriting business, seeing women (and men) who profess Christ, snarling and swearing and trash-talking, just like (and in full view of) the world — and rather than repenting, instead attempting to justify all this. …And then, by way of a bit of window-dressing, writing out long, pretty prayers and pasting a passage of Scripture next to their latest outpouring. What use is it if you submit to your husband, yet not to Christ?! Women have no idea of Scriptural standards these days, and very little genuine desire to follow them, either. …Whether they’re outside the ‘manosphere’ or in it. As I say, I’ve pretty much given up on the whole business.

    The sin of women is being celebrated and men are being derided for not being something that is extra-Biblical.

    Absolutely. …And they wonder why men are forsaking the churches.

    Thanks, by the way, for wiping out the extraneous comments (you can get rid of my previous one, too, if you want).

    What happened to Mary? Looks as though we may have scared her off. Perhaps she thought that my offer of e-mail correspondence was some sort of improper overture… 😉


  20. I notice this so often — even with the women who blog in the “Christian manosphere”. They generally behave and react nothing like Christians, most of the time (and I’m fairly convinced that the majority of them are in fact not).

    Indeed. It’s all too easy to stumble across when you’re not looking for them, even more so if you go in places where they frequent. Case in point: These posts on Dalrock (1, 2). These are supposed to be “Christian” women, yet look at how they speak of divorce and how outraged they are when someone dare challenges them. They may have deleted the original thread over there (I don’t know), but I should have it saved here somewhere. Pretty disgusting for marriage prospects when that seems to be the representative view of “Christian women” today.


  21. @Ballista

    These are supposed to be “Christian” women, yet look at how they speak of divorce

    Yeah, I know. I’m on about the “red pill” women, though. I honestly don’t think they’re any better (though there are exceptions). The more of these women’s blogs I read, the more I think that they talk too much and listen too little

    As I said earlier, I’m not one that thinks women are inherently more evil than men, but even the ‘red pill’ women don’t actually get how wicked female sexual sin is in God’s eyes (and when they’re confronted with it, they don’t really accept it). …Plus they’re mouthy, lewd, shameless and opinionated: the antithesis of Biblical womanhood. They’re hardly good ambassadors for Christ. As I said in my last comment, what use is it if you submit to your husband, yet not to Christ?! Women as a whole are pretty much a dead loss these days (and so are most of the men, really). …Although the exceptions do brighten one’s day. I honestly think, though, that Western society (including the church) has just about run its course. I hope Jesus comes back soon…


  22. I wanted to chip in and say that this post nailed it. I mean, totally nailed it!

    This is exactly why I won’t marry. This is also why I won’t approve of entering a marriage where a woman was soiled by an ‘alpha male’, or is a single mother raising her own young, or a divorcee who did not know any better about her first marriage.

    I have long since suspected my church of carrying the strain of Feminism. I have long suspected my pastors of being feminist but I cannot discern it easily to figure out if I am right or wrong. I would be more than happy to have been proven wrong; if I am proven right, then it’s on to the next church for me or stay and fight the fight.

    I really wanted to marry for a long time. I don’t know why it has passed me by since my 20s but i have known for a long time what kind of mate I wanted. I have known exactly what I was truly looking for. Hoewever, despite the setbacks i have went through since my early 20s to 30s, I have failed to find a wife. Or to the point, that God set up those setbacks to prevent me finding the wrong ones.

    There are days where I don’t feel well, content, or upbeat. There are days where I worry sometimes about where the girls are at. Who am I going to find in these days? Who am I going to find that is not feminist, crazy, or fueled with such misandry against men? Who am I going to find who can actually tell separately from Feminism and the real deal Biblically? Who am I going to find who can actually understand what the world is going through madness and hell?

    Frankly, all women care are the dresses, the wedding, and the BIG BIG DAY! There are times where male practicality for preserving a woman’s happiness makes me feel very disappointed and wroth that I’d rather replace it with reciprocity in furious anger.

    I have known about this common problem. Martin Madan, back in the 1790s knew what was going on. He wrote of the societal ills, prostitution, theology supporting monogamy and the status quo, the preservation of the State-ordained over God-ordained marriage, and how governments have subtly removed God from being the final authority over marriage. He was very correct and spot on, earning the ire of many monogamists, including Campbell, who was a pro-monogamist, arguing against his Treatise in terms of why polygamy is not practical. Madan was a very wealthy evangelist who helped the prostitutes, the sick at a Lock Hospital. He was a pro-polygamy advocate, despite the fact England passed laws to kill polygamists between 1604 and 1862.

    God did warn never to use God’s name in killing people. England is very complicit and so are her executioners.

    It will be very hard to find a wife who can actually understand her duties as a wife, how to complement said man, and appreciate him as a husband and father to his future children. Honestly, Marriage 1.0 outlined what a good wife does and that means teaching her children to forsake all the practicalities of the world and continue to know how to become better, wiser, and well taught in how to be that wife

    So far, I have not found three yet but I don’t know when the day comes. Frankly, I believe America will soon be nuked. I have had a dream of my own hometown, my grandfather’s house, and two caskets. All my family gathered for the funeral, dressed in black. All decided to enjoy the world with me refusing to be with them. I ran out into the clear skies, the sun, and found a nuke crashing right into it. A very bright flash, and soon a tsunami of dusty clouds and ashes formed, sending waves across the land. I was the only one to burn and die alone.

    Perhaps I don’t find 3 women to be with. Not even one. Maybe I do die alone in that dream. Perhaps it was a portent to come, even in today’s age.


  23. I agree, Tex. The U.S. will soon be nuked.
    DC will be completely taken out.
    The new capital of the 2nd-rate-power U.S. will be Denver, probably.


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