A Tragedy

Gentlemen, I witnessed a tragedy play out over the last couple of months, whose story wrapped up recently.  I witnessed the red pill of marriage in action.  Let me try to relate in such a way that I don’t out myself by the things I know.  Having read all the stories for years about the evil things done in the name of marriage, I become used to the stories and came to understand the default godless state of marriage, having taken the red pill of marriage to see what it is and not a silly idealistic state.

What happened seems to be no different than any of the other stories, from what I’ve found out personally and through mutual friends.  I picked up on certain things, and we can fill in others readily.  But gentlemen, seeing what I just witnessed isn’t just taking the red pill.  It’s opening up a vein and mainlining it.  And you can bet for sure that I’m pissed that this stuff goes on.

I have had conversations with both members of this married couple.  I saw them together when I visited different churches.  I had to force down the bile in my gut as I saw certain things with my own eyes.   Even so, with hearing the stories, there’s a certain dream-state there until you see it for yourself and force back the tears of sorrow and the anger at the injustice that’s played out.

Traditional Marriage
From childhood, women are fit into the role of the exalted goddess, whose role becomes finding a husband in order to receive from, and to rule over.  From childhood, she is not held to Godly standards, and learns quickly that men are there to grant her desires, and excuse her faults.  She might have to be manipulative to get her way, but she learns exactly how to manipulate both men and society to do so.  She only has the standard of “beauty”, whatever that means at the time, to measure up to, but learns that she is more valuable than men simply because she is a woman.

However, men are fit into the role of pack mule (hence the title of Dr. Laura’s book, “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” – the view of men as sub-humanoid fills the book), in order to protect a woman and to provide for her.  From childhood, he is held to every standard of both God and women, starting from his mother.  She ingrains male mother need into him, directing his devotion away from God to first her and then a wife who takes over.  He learns quickly that his wishes, dreams, and desires are meaningless in general – that the sum total of the value of his worth as a man is in the approval of the women around him and he gains it by serving them and molding his life to fit their wishes (women define what masculinity is).

The Very Unhappily Ever After Part
Our couple then lives a life befitting traditional marriage and traditional gender roles, having both been indoctrinated into it by their mothers. He happily works himself to the bone to hand oblations to his goddess, including children for her to indoctrinate.

Then for whatever reason, as I did not ever hear why the divorce was initiated exactly, the wife finds dissatisfaction in her work horse and casts him aside. Given what we’ve read in much of the manosphere, we can probably reasonably fill in the blanks as to why she appeared at a new church.  I would guess that the divorce would have had to been frivolous, since this woman showed up in another church regularly about mid way through this story after being at the original church together since before the marriage began.

He, having taken to his traditional role as husband, finds out very quickly that the pretty little lies he was fed was false.   He finds out that the house is not “ours”, it is “hers”.  The children are not “ours”, but “hers”.  In following her will, she has isolated him from his friends, his own interests, and any kind of support system – he finds “our friends” are really “her friends”.  The church, as ever, stands beside the wife.  He is told that if he would just do whatever it takes to submit to his wife in everything, things would be fixed.   Sadly, as I found out in hearing the grief of this man as he expressed it, there was never an opportunity to genuinely share the red-pill – his focus was all about “fixing the marriage” and he would hear nothing else.

Our story ends in the worst way possible.   In running in the sand so far away from Christ to be the good traditional husband, he found he had nothing in his life.  Even worse for his heart, his goddess rejected him.  The sand swallowed him up, and he took his own life.   It’s never easy when I get such news about those I’ve talked to and addressed by name, but harder in this case for some reason, perhaps that I’m already so acutely aware having done these blogs for four-plus years.

This leads to the end of our story.  Naturally, the wife is finding all kinds of solace and comfort in this new church with this news that her husband did this, placing herself into the role of “the poor poor wife” – never-mind she cast this title aside.   Meanwhile, she does the touchdown dance in private as she has accomplished the divorce fantasy she has set out to fulfill in the fullest way possible.

Naturally, as with any of these events, this was cast upon him as his own sickness as both a Christian man and a husband, never as a consequence from traditional marriage.   The Traditional Marriage Narrative must stand at all costs, and never be revealed for the pretty little lie it is.